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Without a doubt, teaching is a noble profession and with nobility comes responsibility and stress. For instance, as a teacher, there are so many activities you are excluded from participating in. This also involves activities outside the school environment or school hours. It essentially involves activities that question your character and upsets your authority as a societal model. This is important because beyond classroom education the character of the students depends largely on the conduct of the teacher.

That said the teaching profession comes with its challenges. The year is still new, 2022 is here! How do you enjoy yourself as a teacher this year? In this article, you will find out ways to alleviate stress and enjoy the teaching job. I’m glad to know that you’re reading it already.

Avoid stress-inducing circumstances
First of all, you have to understand that you are only human and that you are liable to go through emotional stress and pressure under certain circumstances. Many of these circumstances are avoidable by you. For instance, the hassle of narrowly beating lesson note deadlines is one of the most stressful events many teachers face. This can be avoided by prioritizing your activities and being diligent with them. Timing all your engagements and following them up. You can read our resources on stress management for teachers.

Read Also Three things new teachers do wrong on their first day

Engage emotional intelligence
Emotional intelligence is the ability to understand your feelings and that of others around you to adequately manage healthy interpersonal relationships. You’ll interact with administrators, teaching staff, and students. Some of these interactions may result in a conflict of opinions. Without the application of emotional intelligence, your mental health may be affected thus resulting in reduced enthusiasm for work and consequently, reduced productivity. Some emotional management skills may prove helpful here.

The story of a teacher and a student:Where Emotional Intelligence comes into play

Develop your teaching skills
Learning should only stop when life ends. Becoming a better teacher will ultimately make you a happier teacher due to the feeling of satisfaction that comes with personal development. Not forgetting the better opportunities it offers you. Several teacher training institutes are waiting to help you achieve your personal development goals in the teaching profession.

You are a teacher! So you will be needing a premium teaching job. Sign up here to begin the process.

Final thoughts
When passion is added to a job, it usually becomes less taxing. In combination with the tips you’ve learned in this article, you’re most likely to have a hassle-free year as a teacher. Enjoy your time molding society!

About Molly Distinct Consult
Molly Distinct Consult is Nigeria’s foremost teacher recruitment agency. It currently hosts over a thousand teachers in its record base, many of which are currently members of staff at premium schools across the country. Get called up for an interview by registering with us for free at our database, here