How To Handle Teaching With Depression

How To Handle Teaching With Depression

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Teaching With Depression

Depression can happen to anyone however it becomes a little special when a teacher battles depression. This is because teachers are tasked with the responsibility of being models for the younger generation.


Despite the reality of their enormous responsibility, they are humans like everyone can become hit by depression too. Mental wellness has been a growing concern among employed populations and teachers are not exempted. Common causes of depression among teachers include economic-related challenges, family-related problems, loss of a loved one, failed projects etc.



Edutopia published a blogpost that identified that many teachers are currently teaching with depression. This inadvertently impacts their relationship with students, colleagues and their classroom delivery. Depression can be identified by observing its symptoms.


What Are The Symptoms of Depression In Teachers?

  1. Dampened mood: It is the most obvious symptom of depression. You find yourself recluding from events or people you once found entertaining due to an overwhelming mood of sadness or reclusion.


  1. Exhaustion: You may find yourself mentally and physically exhausted too quickly. You will find interaction with other teachers, administrators or students tiring.


  1. Poor or Slow Decision Making: Life as a teacher comes with many moments where fast decision making is important. However, the mental fogginess that comes with depression makes quick and smart judgment a challenge for a teacher battling depression.


  1. Irritability: You may experience frequent outbursts and emotional imbalances at the slightest provocation.


How Can You Handle Depression As A Teacher?

At the moment, there is no cast in stone method to curing depression but there are a number of methods that have been effective in the handling of depression especially for teachers.


  • Taking Breaks                                                                The duration may vary from one teacher to the other but what is important is the restoration of your mental wellness. The goal is to distract yourself from the intense mental engagement long enough till you are ready for work. In severe cases, one may be advised to leave the profession.


  • Spend time with what you love                              Long hours away from leisure moments can lead you down the spiral road to depression. Moments of creativity and fun with family, friends or favourite activities can help lighten moods and ward off depression.


  • Seek professional help                                                 As a teacher, you may have to give more than just classroom instructions. You may have to be involved with students’ lives. If you are not properly trained for the tasks, you may slip into depression. Professional help is usually the point of call for teachers battling depression from doing too much. A professional therapist can help you alienate disturbing events from your thought processes and keep your mind healthy.

READ ALSO How Can Teachers Help Students With Depression

  • Positive environments                                              Sometimes, depression happens as a result of consistent exposure to negative interactions like abuse, toxicity, low self-esteem and frequent complaints. In this case, it is expedient to avoid environments and interactions that attack your positive moods and leave you in a down state. You may want to build a positive internal environment by vocalizing uplifting words, listening to motivational podcasts etc.


  • Speaking to someone at school                              There are times when only someone who knows what you know can feel what you feel. You may want to talk to some trusted people at school about your battle with depression. They may be your guide out of the overwhelming feeling of depression.


Teaching actively while battling depression can be a daunting experience for a teacher. Several factors may be responsible for the depression, however their symptoms can be cured or handled. One method may work for a teacher and become ineffective for another teacher. That is why it is advised that one tries different methods to identify the one that works best and helps cure depression.


About Molly Distinct Consult

Molly Distinct Consult is a teacher recruitment firm resident in Nigeria that helps premium schools locate and employ capable minds and hands in the teaching profession. Professionalism and Passion is her watchword during recruitment exercises and thanks to Molly Distinct Consult’s services, premium schools can hope to get teachers of internationally accepted standards.