Looking Into the Future: Can AI Replace Teachers?

Looking Into the Future: Can AI Replace Teachers?

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Looking Into the Future: Can AI Replace Teachers?

In recent times, especially with the advent of ChatGPT, AI technology and machine learning has become a topic of discussion across several fields. Several professions appear threatened by a possible replacement and the teaching profession is not left out. For example, many fear that machine language will soon be developed to understand student needs, plan study guides and assess student performance which are largely teacher responsibility.


With this looming reality, should educators be afraid of losing their jobs? 

 AI won’t replace teachers any time soon, that is if it ever will. Sure, AI can present information and analyze data quickly, but it still doesn’t compare to the creativity and empathy of a human. Teachers tend to understand what kids need on a personal level – something AI cannot do without bias. Teachers can also communicate in ways that engage students, inspire them, and help them develop emotional intelligence.


Research shows that person to person communication among students and teachers have a great moral effect on students. This is a disadvantage for AI as this aspect of learning is not easy to automate.


Teachers can also spot individual learning styles, provide guidance along unique paths, adjust the curricula as needed to meet each student’s developmentally appropriate needs or interests.


Rather than a replacement for educators, with the right balance of AI technology in the teaching profession along with genuine understanding of students’ needs, teachers will be able to bring even greater understanding and success in 21st Century education.


How educators can improve teaching delivery using AI

  • Assisting with administrative duties

With the infusion of natural language learning, AI tools can process free-form text responses, such as short answers on tests or long form essays, with unprecedented accuracy. This has the potential to improve the way schools assess student performance, allowing for more accurate and comprehensive evaluations.

  • Improving access to quality education 

AI can facilitate the creation of classrooms devoid of the limitation of physical barriers or geographical borders, making education accessible to all. This has the potential to make education accessible to many people regardless of language, visual or auditory impairments, or individual learning needs. By leveraging AI, educators can create an inclusive learning environment that allows students to interact with resources at their own pace and on their own terms.

  • Individualistic approach to teaching

At the moment, it is not feasible for teachers to provide personalized learning experiences when they are managing a large number of students in their classrooms. However, Artificial Intelligence (AI) can provide assistance with differentiation. Several companies are currently developing intelligent instruction design and digital platforms that provide tailored learning, testing, and feedback to students based on each individual student’s needs. This will improve the way students learn, allowing them to receive instruction that is tailored to their individual needs and abilities.


 AI has the potential to dramatically change and improve our educational system, but it won’t replace teachers any time soon. Instead, it will offer valuable support by providing fast, personalized instruction to individual students that can be tailored to their unique needs and skills. Artificial Intelligence does not remove the need for teachers; rather it provides support to a teacher’s workload, making them more productive and effective at what they do best – educate our youth. On the other hand, who does machine learning depend on to understand student needs and develop concepts for them? Teachers!

About MDC

Molly Distinct Consult is a Teacher Recruitment Agency committed to meeting the professional teacher needs of premium schools in Nigeria. With a database of 1000+ registered teachers who have demonstrated passion and strong work ethic, and a robust collection of testimonials, we are proud to be regarded as the foremost Teacher Recruitment Agency in the country. Our work, recruiting professional and passionate teachers for premium schools keeps receiving positive reviews and we are optimistic about continuing the trajectory.