THE 3 SECRETS OF ATTRACTING HIGH-INCOME PARENTS(#3 is what Premium Schools are using)

THE 3 SECRETS OF ATTRACTING HIGH-INCOME PARENTS(#3 is what Premium Schools are using)

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THE 3 SECRETS OF ATTRACTING HIGH-INCOME PARENTS(#3 is what Premium Schools are using)

You are about to discover the hidden secrets that have separated successful schools from struggling schools. I know that you opened your school due to your passion for education but running a school is more about business.

Your business however expands on secrets that give you a competitive advantage over other service providers.

These secrets you will soon unearth have the ability to make you smile at the bank while competitors are complaining and wailing about funds.
Your school’s major revenue is driven by school fees paid by parents for their children who are enrolled as students in your school.

This means that the income level of those parents will affect your school’s revenue. If low-income parents dominate the number of parents whose children are enrolled in your school, you will often face cases such as; delayed payment of school fees or even owing school fees for one term while in another term. This is why you are advised to attract high-income parents, even if you are running a low-cost school.

Consider the points below and have high-income parents rushing in numbers to enroll their children in your school.

Quality delivery

This part is often overlooked by most schools. This is why they employ just anyone who can accept their salary offer and stand before students. The quality of education obtainable in your school is directly dependent on the quality of the teachers you employ. High-income parents are looking for schools where their children will have a good education and prepare them for the future. Ensure that you employ professional teachers who will be dedicated to the quality delivery of knowledge to your students.


Standard infrastructure

It is the nature of humans to be attracted to beautiful things. You have to ensure that the building of your school building is appealing to the sight. If you have a low-cost school that can’t afford state-of-the-art buildings at the moment, make the classroom environment appealing and convenient for learning. High-income parents watch out for the comfort of their children. Also, ensure that there are materials for games, sports, arts, and other extracurricular activities. We are currently in a digital age where most people rely on the use of computers for their daily activities. It would appeal to these target parents when they find a functional well-equipped computer laboratory.

Use of technology

This is one of the concepts that differentiate premium schools from others. If high-income parents find this concept in your school, they will be convinced to enroll their children in your school. Technology can be used in several ways without incurring much cost. Google Forms can be used to write examinations and tests, there are other examination platforms with timing features and they are not money intensive. You can also engage the use of Screen Projectors as a visual aid.

High-income parents are not overly concerned with the cost of school fees as much as they are with the quality delivery of educational services. When your school assures them of that through quality education, standard infrastructure, and the use of technology, rest assured that they will bring their children to your school.


About Molly Distinct Consult

We are all out to ensure that your school fulfills all the lofty dreams you have for it. We do that by supplying very efficient professional teachers and technical staff to schools that want to be the best in education. Molly Distinct Consult also offers training exercises for teachers who want to become acquainted with improved teaching techniques and modern classroom technology.

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