Three things new teachers do wrong on their first day

Three things new teachers do wrong on their first day

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Three things new teachers do wrong on their first day


It was the first day of work for David at his new school after he had performed brilliantly in his written and oral interview two weeks ago. Anxiety helped him to be punctual and his thoroughness the night before made him feel overdressed as he walked past some students and colleagues. He kept his conversations short and polite to avoid saying something wrong and he restricted himself to a seat in the staff room pretending to be minding his business all day.

Have you ever endured a day similar to that of David or you hope to experience a better one? Then, you should not do the following like many new teachers would.


They wait to get introduced

Officially you might need an introduction and possibly an ovation but unofficially, the earlier you get rid of the tag ‘new teacher’ the better. There is no need waiting for any form of introduction to your colleagues or students, just walk over and introduce yourself. Get to know a vast number of your students and other teachers by their names. This will help you to build a good relationship as you are welcomed into your new family.


They don’t ask enough questions

Acting shy and reserved are not actually cool characteristics of a fantastic teacher. You need to know how things are done in the new system so you can’t be too inquisitive actually. Moreover, ignorance might not be an excuse if you do something wrong. So why make a mistake on your day of resumption, thereby, creating a bad first impression when it could have been averted by simply asking harmless questions.


They don’t make contributions

From the very day your employment begins, there are already expectations on your delivery. If you have an idea of how things could be done better, please do not hesitate to share with your colleagues, the management, or students. Actually, that is why you are employed – to make your own contributions as a member of the team. There is no timing to problem solving or generating brilliant ideas since part of why you were brought on board is to share meaningful information from your experiences.


At Molly Distinct Consult, we have a pool of professional teachers well adapted for modern educational systems you can hire. We also provide training courses for educationist to sharpen delivery skills and improve professionalism.